U.S. Department of State
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
United States Air Force
Montgomery County, Maryland


U.S. Department of State – Records Management Administration Services
AAC provides full life cycle Records Management (RM) support at the U.S. Department of State. We spearheaded adherence to the 2011 Presidential Memorandum, Managing Government Records Directive (MGRD). We also maintain the RM Vital Records Program, schedule the Department’s records systems, and educate Department staff in record keeping requirements. We revise records disposition schedules for all types of media formats, develop automated tools, conduct evaluations and assessments, assist in the development of policy and guidance products, and perform a wide range of RM-related tasks. AAC ensures compliance with agency and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) regulations. Currently, AAC is working to develop the Department’s roadmap for meeting the United States President’s Directive to transition agency records to electronic format and ensuring overall compliance with the Federal Records Act (FRA).

In addition, AAC’s records management team is providing guidance regarding the Department of State’s implementation of the new Electronic Records Service Center (eRSC), a DoD 5015.2 compliant records management system that will provide bulk capture and categorization of records. Tasks include archiving senior officials’ email, addressing archival responsibility for management of the Department’s electronic records, and providing lifecycle management of the Department’s most sensitive and historically valuable records. AAC is assisting the Department of State in the definition of records management and eDiscovery requirements for the management of the Department’s email, in order to meet the 2016 MGRD requirement for all federal agencies to manage all email records in an electronic format. Finally, we are working with the Department to define an enterprise electronic record-keeping architecture to support the 2019 requirement for all permanent electronic records to be managed electronically for eventual transfer and accessioning by NARA in an electronic format. Overall, AAC’s DoS RM staff has 100+ years of combined RM expertise.

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) – Personnel Security Adjudication Tracking System (PSATS) Case Management System Enhancement and Modernization
AAC is supporting the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Administration (ADM), Personnel Security Branch (PSB) providing development, modernization and support for the Personnel Security Adjudication Tracking System (PSATS) electronic end-to-end case management system.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent Federal agency established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to regulate civilian use of nuclear materials. To ensure that NRC employees, consultants, contractors, and licensees are reliable and trustworthy to have access to NRC facilities, classified information, and special nuclear material, the PSB reviews completed security packages to determine access authorizations as well as background investigations completed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

AAC is providing the enhancement and modernization of the NRC PSB’s automated web-based enterprise solution PSATS. Through AAC’s enhancement of this modern, automated case management system, NRC has realized desired process improvements and efficiencies in their vital personnel security processes. AAC is helping NRC reduce the use of paper, implement business processes changes, and increase the speed, quality, and efficiency of their security adjudication processes. AAC with our partner ChainBridge leveraged our experience with personnel security and OPM’s automated offerings to provide a cost effective, low risk solution that met NRC’s objectives and built on the existing entellitrak Background Investigations Edition (entellitrak BI) tool to provide commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution for adjudications and background investigation tracking.

Key tasks performed by AAC include

  • Requirements Gap Analysis, Integration with OCHCO Workforce Transformation and Tracking System/Entrance on Duty System (WTTS/EODS)
  • Secure Export of Data with ACCESS-PCI system, web-based Management Dashboard to provide real-time status reporting
  • OPM PIPS Daily Status Download
  • Import of Data from NRC’s Drug Testing System
  • Do-Not-Admit Flagging Capability
  • Form 79a Adjudication Reporting Export to OPM, and Automated import of Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS) information regarding a candidate’s personal information

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AAC’s Support for Air Force Information Management Programs SharePoint Solution Projects
AAC has been a trusted partner with the United States Air Force (USAF) for more than a decade. As such, we have partnered with numerous mission-critical Information Management programs for the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Air Force Reserve Resource Management Group (RMG), and field operating agencies such as the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA). AAC possesses an intimate knowledge of how to reliably integrate technologies into the Air Force Network (DoDNet) ensuring security, interoperability, supportability, sustainability, and usability of information across the Air Force/DoD enterprise while cost effectively meeting program objectives.

AAC is currently supporting Air Force Reserve Resource Management Group (RMG) which ensures Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs) and Participating Individual Ready Reservists (PIRR) are ready to mobilize to meet the requirements of combatant commanders. We are assisting in the development of the RMG web application, which features SharePoint 2010 workflows that allows the submitter/drafters to monitor the key documents through their business process. AAC provides life cycle sustainment for the RMG web application, including subject matter expertise for maintenance, application testing, defining data sources and interface designs, screen layouts, menu designs, and report designs, modifying/upgrading applications and implementing changes, incorporation of new technology, adhering to all system’s interface agreements, leading technical interchange meetings to clarify specifications, and updating documentation and Help files.

In support of 88th Communications Group, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, AAC provided Knowledge Management (KM) life cycle support including migrating to SharePoint a legacy document system that housed more than 6 million pages of information. In this capacity, AAC developed and implemented MS SharePoint as the central repository for information, discovery, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. To accomplish such, we established document repositories via MS SharePoint folders with intuitive hierarchies and shared drives with embedded access controls to protect information, or to restrict the amount of detail available to non-program personnel. AAC helped train staff in managing web content for the SharePoint-based and USAF portal sites, and in the proper use of the locally hosted databases. We further assisted the Functional Area Records Managers (FARMs), the Chief of the Office of Records (COR), and Records Custodians (RCs) ensuring file plan structures were followed for organizational SharePoint instances. AAC also served as the Chief Information Officer’s (CIO’s) technical arm for compliance and new product insertion.

AAC has significant experience providing Operations and Maintenance (O&M) support for the SharePoint solutions we deploy. For example, for the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) (formerly, Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC)), we have provided the complete life cycle support to design deploy and maintain the SharePoint-based sites. This includes ASC’s Legacy Document System, which houses more than 6 million pages of information. ASC is responsible for the design, development, deployment, and safety of the most sophisticated military aerospace systems in the world. During our support of ASC, we managed the migration from SharePoint 2003 to SharePoint 2007 including all the day to day calls supporting user and system administration. For the current deployment, we maintain, upgrade, backup, and provide life cycle management for Intranet servers to include incremental daily backups and weekly full backups of over SharePoint 20 servers. Finally, AAC supports the ASC training program by providing the center with training expertise in SharePoint and leads the CIO’s technical arm for compliance and new product insertion. AAC provides training and support for the design and building of SharePoint sites. This includes in-house SharePoint software training for in-house developed SharePoint sites, custom application and SharePoint workflows. In addition, AAC assesses new trends and emerging technologies to recommend SharePoint site enhancements.

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Montgomery County, Maryland – Legal Case Management System
Through Montgomery County Consulting and Technology Services (MCCATS), AAC supported the Montgomery County’s Case Management and eDiscovery Project. Components of the project included: analysis of case management requirements; solution design including integrations for automated data population and status updates; configuration, development, and integration of New Dawn’s JustWare software solution; and testing and training associated with user acceptance and adoption.

AAC also provided BPR to support eDiscovery requirements and response processes, which improved the initiation, processing, and disposition of court case evidence for civil litigation purposes. The eDiscovery solution needed to account for capturing various types of media (e.g., paper, video, audio, other evidence) into electronic documents that could be placed online. AAC documented the scope of work, including the costs, resource needs, and anticipated timeframe for implementing the eDiscovery solution in an open systems environment. AAC also identified and documented internal and external state agencies that would be end users or stakeholders of this initiative, employing best practice BPR techniques to develop high-level process and information flow for the project. AAC continues to support and develop the case management and eDiscovery solution and has developed integration with various data feeds as well as JustWare system enhancements to meet Montgomery County needs.

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