Knowledge Centers with AAC


Knowledge Centers represent the integration of AAC’s IT-centric data center expertise and our subject matter expertise. The subject matter expertise provides the knowledge models – or tradecraft modeling – that defines the pieces needed to enable analysts to perform the tasks at hand. The knowledge model centers on end user use cases, understanding the information needed to support those use cases, and then building knowledge modules that create and store interim knowledge products, and then managing these interim products so the authorized users have immediate access to them as well as the overall knowledge model to help them perform their job more efficiently.

As an example, one my build a knowledge model around what a junior seismic analyst needs to do when they initially detect a seismic event and they want to perform a preliminary analysis and then escalate the initial analysis to the appropriate authorities. To perform the initial analysis, the junior analyst might need the initial seismic measurements from the event, an estimate of the location of the event, measurements from surrounding areas (as available), and reference seismic charts for comparison and analysis. In addition, the analyst might also require recent imagery from the area, detailed feature data of the surrounding area, access to recent intel activity reports in the region (if available), and a contact list of who else to notify and when.

Once the triggering event occurred – either automatically detected or manually launched, the knowledge model would identified the information needed for the analyst to properly perform the analysis and then the individual knowledge modules would gather the required information and reassemble it into the analysts workspace so they could begin analysis immediately. For instance, once the seismic event was detected, a knowledge module could automatically retrieve seismic, imagery, and intel from the immediate area as well as the relevant reference data for comparison and analysis. Thus, when the analyst sits down to begin work, all of the relevant data is immediately available in a format that he can use.